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New release coming soon

About Tanya Leah’s new (and ongoing) “WORK IN PROGRESS” album

Someone very wise once told me that the reason it’s called a “record” or an “album” is because the music you are putting into the world is a snapshot of where you are in that exact moment of your existence.  I have withheld too much of my work because I felt it was less than perfect.  But it will always be so – there will always be a potentially better version up ahead, no matter how much farther along the road I go. (That goes for me too, apparently)…

So I am reaching into the past (and present, and hopefully even into the future) and sharing some of these songs and demos just as they are.  I intend to release them like birds – peacocks and pigeons alike – to fly or fall as they may.  

Thank you for being here – keep flying…xot


fun fact:

Q: How many times have I recorded a song as a work tape, and then never finished the record?

A: 132,468 times.

Here’s one! Take a listen if you’d like
click on the play button to listen:…(lyrics are just below the audio strip)…

“Suddenly I” is a song of survival – getting through a break-up, a loss, a pandemic, etc… I recorded this worktape at home….I’m planning to flesh it out some more, get my nephew, Reid, to play some real trumpet on it, and mix it better…but it has a vibe, so I’m sharing.  No more withholding – Hope you like it. 

Would love to hear what you think…  

Hi!  Wanna see where this all goes?  

 – Me too!  Sign up here!

Wanna support my work?  

 – Me too!  Donate Here!